
Hi! I'm Francis Lee. I'm a computational biologist, synthetic biologist, and software engineer living in Boston. My primarily interests are in biological architecture, sailing, and code.

I currently work at Elucidata where I build software tools for novel methods in imaging and spectral analysis. Prior to this, I spent time as a Visiting Scientist at the Wyss Institute, where I worked on protein design. I have also spent time building open-source hardware for biology at Opentrons, and built the first biofoundry at Ginkgo Bioworks.

In my spare time, I spend quite a bit of time dwelling in concepts of inference in biology, biological design, the future of biotechnology, as well as the future of our biology. You can also catch me planning my future sailing voyage across the Atlantic, as well as my future sprinter van conversion.

I built this site as a way to collect my thoughts, research, and resources; I hope they may prove useful to others.

Read my Project Page or my CV below to get to know me a bit better, or email and say hi. Other ways to connect are linked at the bottom of the page as well.

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer, Computational Biologist
2018 - Present

Co-Founder and Director
2016 - Present

Visiting Scientist
Wyss Institute
2016 - 2017

Research Associate
MIT Synthetic Biology Center
2015 - 2016

Software Engineer

Ginkgo Bioworks
2011 - 2014


Instructor BosLab
Sommerville MA
2016 - Present

Instructor Harvard international Genetically Engineered Machines
Harvard University

Advisor University of Florida international Genetically Engineered Machines
University of Florida

Teaching Assistant Course 20.129 Biological Cell Engineering
2015 - 2016

Instructor Illinois international Genetically Engineered Machines
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2010 - 2011


Advisor, Mentor, Instructor, Judge
international Genetically Engineered Machines
2009 - Present


Schrodinger's Question: More than a Sum of Parts Building with Biology Public Engagement Symposium
Boston Museum of Science
June 26th, 2016